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We raise a hearty flock of 30 Clun Forest sheep on our farm to maintain pastures and produce new breed stock, fiber, and meat. They live on pasture year round, are exclusively grass-fed, and consistently produce outstanding offspring.

The Clun Forest breed originates from the rugged hills of eastern Wales and western Shropshire, where they have been slected over two centuries for their hardiness, fertility, mothering ability, and longevity. First imported to North America in 1970, they are a superb maternal breed and lambs are vigorous. Clun carcasses are meaty, lean and consistent. Their wool is medium and dense, with an average staple length of 3-4 inches and fiber diameter of 25 to 33 microns, making them ideal for a variety of handspinning and knitting projects.  

Listed as threatened by The Livestock Conservancy, we take great care with this heritage breed to maintain good standards. Below are animals available for purchase. All rams and ewes are registered with the North American Clun Forest Association.

Breed Stock Available

We currently have a small number of ram yearlings and ram lambs available, born May 2023 and 2024. We inherited this flock from Crow Valley Farm (CVF) in 2021 so many of the younger stock have been born and raised here and are now beginning to produce offspring under 4th Seed Farm (FSD). 

Registerable Ram - Lando.   Sold

Lafayette and Lando are one-year-old twins. They were born in May 2023 from CVF Jack and CVF Jessica. Jack is from Talltree Harrison and Talltree Abigail, both of whom have been favorites on this farm for their beautiful, strong offspring. Jessica is from Shibui John Talbott and CVF Irma, inheriting Irma's lineage from Utopia Kevin, who consistently throws large offspring with strong, black markings. These boys are sweet and easy to handle. We are holding back Lafayette for a bit longer, but Lando is ready for a new home.

                update: Lando has been sold.

Lafa and Lando_edited.jpg

Registerable Ram - Leslie

Leslie is a one-year-old ram born in May 2023 from Shibui John Talbott and CVF Jaclyn.  John Talbott has been our main ram on the farm for the past several years and has passed his very soft fleece on to Leslie. Jaclyn is from a previous ram, Utopia Kevin.  All of our ewes from Kevin tend to run much bigger and longer, gaining weight easily on grass alone. They are also stand-outs in the flock, with dark, narrow faces, thick bodies, and dense, soft fleeces. Leslie is quite friendly and easy to handle but does assert himself as an alpha in the flock.


Registerable Ram Lamb - Murphy.  Reserved

Murphy is 3 months old and preparing to be weaned from his first time mom. He is from CVF Jack and FSD Kenia. Jack is from Talltree lineage and Kenia is from Shibui John Talbott and Utopia Spirea. Spirea (who we call "Frances") is one of the original ewes to this flock started in 2015. Kenia has inherited her mom's calm, friendly demeanor and superior mothering skills. Murphy is more petite like Kenia and has her classic beauty.

             update: Murphy has been reserved


Registerable Ram Lamb - Mark.   Sold

Mark is 3 months old and preparing to be weaned now, along with his twin, Matthew. He is from CVF Jack and CVF Amanda Ivy, both of whom were born and raised on this farm and have produced consistently beautiful offspring. Amanda Ivy is from Shibui John Talbott and CVF Annie and has a particularly beautiful, soft, white fleece that she has passed on to her twins. Mark is the most friendly, easy-going little lamb we have had on our farm and we love him. 

                        update: Mark has been sold


Unregistered Ram Lamb - Memphis

Memphis is a stunner with his petite black face, tall ears, and baby soft fleece. He was born a single so cannot be registered with the NACFA or we would keep him. At just 2.5 months old, he is as big as the other lambs and thriving. He is from Shibui John Talbott and CVF Lois. Lois comes from Utopia Kevin, contributing a long body with narrow black face. One note: we lost Lois recently so Memphis is being supplemented with a bottle for a few more weeks.  He would be a good option for a mixed flock looking to add some Clun Forest genetics


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