Our Products
We offer a variety of products from our farm, some more seasonal than others.
Please read below for current availability and location!
We shear our Clun Forest sheep and Pygora goats 1-2 times a year and have gorgeous fleece available as raw locks, roving, and yarn. Please visit our Online Store for current availability. Sales from these products help to support a threatened, heritage breed.
Fleece and Fiber
Wool pellets convert waste wool into a beneficial product for farmers, gardeners, and the environment alike! They are compressed bits of raw wool, lanolin, and organic material and may be purchased at Lum Farm Farmstand or our online store.
Wool Garden Pellets
100% Clun Forest, grass-fed and pasture-raised on our farm year round. We have small batches of leg/shoulder/loin roasts, racks, chops, neck, shanks, and riblets, as well as kabobs, sausages, ground and stew meat. Available for purchase on the San Juan Island Food Hub.
Packaged Lamb Cuts
We raise purebred Clun Forest sheep registered with the North American Clun Forest Association. Each year, we have a small number of lambs and yearlings for sale for those looking to grow their own flock. Please see our sheep page for current availability.
Registered Breed Stock
Our flock of 15 laying hens roost in our barn at night and graze all day in sheltered pasture free of predators. They provide eggs with nutritious, bright orange yolks, which we stock seasonally at Crow Valley Farm Stand, just down the road from us on Nordstroms Lane!
Farm Fresh Eggs
We planted over 400 seedlings in Spring 2024 and started hundreds more from seed in the greenhouse. While tea is an adaptive plant, it is fairly new to this region. We are excited to join a growing movement and process green and black tea for the market in coming years.
Tea (Camellia Sinensis)
Our first 1/4 acre of Tulameen, Heritage, and Cascade Delight raspberries went into the ground in 2023 along with a few rows of blueberries. The plants are growing and deepening their roots. Our hope is that 2025 will be our first real harvest.